Note: This video was originally removed by YouTube for "medical misinformation." For some reason, it re-appeared a couple months later.
Here are more links:
Bitchute: Fluoride/Fluorine Poisoning Through Water and Pharmaceuticals - Part One and Fluoride/Fluorine Poisoning Through Water and Pharmaceuticals - Part Two
April 1, 2022 Article: Jupiter in Pisces and Picking Up the Long, Long Historical Fight Against Fluoride Poisoning
May 3, 2022 Article: Hundreds of Studies Indicating Health Damage From Fluoride Exposure

U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an "unreasonable risk" to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such.
History has been made. After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an "unreasonable risk" to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly…
Mefloquine is a very dangerous malaria drug that can cause severe and permanent neurological damage.
NEWS STORY (2019): Alberta soldiers who took 'distressing' malaria drug sought for lawsuit: Countless soldiers suffered terrible side-effects in 'botched clinical trial'
Mefloquine is similar in make-up to Hydroxychloroquine, which was touted as a perfectly safe drug to treat or ward off Covid. Trump was even advertising it as a preventative! This is pure insanity, as the potential side effects are severe, even deadly:
The Quinism Foundation Warns of Dangers from Use of Antimalarial Quinolines Against COVID‑19:
Use of Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Mefloquine, Quinine, and Related Quinoline Drugs Risks Sudden and Lasting Neuropsychiatric Effects from Idiosyncratic Neurotoxicity
"“In susceptible individuals, these drugs act as idiosyncratic…
So I just found out that the city councilor who spearheaded water fluoridation in this city is also extremely pro-5G and is rolling out the red carpet for a 5G cell tower in a schoolyard in his ward. And guess whose ward I live in? Oh, universe. You're such a comedian.