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Truckers Convoy to End the Mandates Converges January 29 As Venus Stations Direct in Capricorn

Writer's picture: Willow from Willow's Web AstrologyWillow from Willow's Web Astrology

Updated: May 3, 2024

Photos of the Truckers Convoy to End the Mandates from the Twitterverse

The big rigs parked for the night in Alberta on the way to Ottawa

Well wishers greeting the convoy in British Columbia - this has been the scene at every city and at most towns along the route since the convoy began January 23

People gathering to meet the convoy in -27 Celsius weather at Whitewood, Saskatchewan January 25

When Canadians are gathering to meet the convoy in -27 weather, you know we mean business!

Following the January 15, 2022 deadline for all truckers to submit to the mRNA shots or be fired, thousands of truckers and supporters from across Canada are on their way to Ottawa, Ontario in the biggest convoy this planet has ever seen. The truckers are planning to deadlock Ottawa - home of the Canadian Federal Government - and temporarily disrupt the supply chain (Uranus in Taurus) until all mandates are ended for all people in Canada.

The truckers are being met along their route by thousands of Canadians with signs, food, water, fireworks, and well wishes as the convoy makes its way across the country. Many truckers and onlookers (this anarchist astro-reporter included) have been overwhelmed by the massive outpouring of love and support for this action. People have been lining the highways and overpasses all along the route, even in frigid temperatures, sometimes waiting hours for the chance to show their support and encouragement as the convoy goes by. "End the mandates" protests, both big and small, have been ongoing around the world since 2020, with the highly unpopular "vax passes" galvanizing these efforts since fall of 2021. Tens of millions worldwide have been marching through the streets regularly to express opposition to medical tyranny, authoritarian "lockdowns," and the two-tiered society currently being socially engineered to divide those who have had the shots and those who have not. You'll not hear much, if anything, about any of this on mainstream media.

Many people are lauding the truckers as heroes. I don't believe they're heroes. I believe they're people doing the right thing in tough circumstances. It's everyday people doing the right thing in tough circumstances that has created beneficial change on this planet throughout history. People around the world have been resisting the destructive authoritarian infringement on our lives, jobs, businesses, educations, relationships, families, communities, minds, and bodies from the beginning of this orchestrated global debacle, and every bit of this resistance matters. Every bit has helped to create the momentum and the awareness the truckers are riding in on during this massive, historic, never-before-seen-on-Planet-Earth convoy.

Thousands of trucks are coming up from the United States to show their own opposition to the mandates, and thousands more will be doing their own solidarity rallies at the U.S.-Canada border.

The truckers have headed out just in the nick of time, it seems, as the province of Quebec (the current test case for authoritarian over-reach in Canada) has just come under yet more new rules. All Big Box stores in Quebec are now vax passing people at the door, including WalMart. This despicable, heartless, and, I believe, criminal decision cuts people off from affordable food, medicine, and other essentials, and it affects low income people the most.

Quebec Home Depot vax passing with security guard at the door - January 2022

Quebec WalMart vax pass announcement

I've been covering the Truckers Convoy at my Twitter feed:

The Truckers Convoy will meet for a massive "End the Mandates" rally on January 29, 2022 at the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This is the very day that Venus (love, money, values) stations direct at 11 degrees Capricorn (business, institutions, rules). The Moon will also be in Capricorn on that day, forming a conjunction to Venus at 9:08 p.m. (CST).

Venus started off its retrograde in a conjunction to Lord of the Underworld Pluto in Capricorn (exact December 11 and 25, 2021), indicating that our relationship (Venus) to abusive institutional power (Pluto in Capricorn) was coming to the forefront.

As the truckers and their supporters settle into place on January 29 in Ottawa with Venus stationing direct in Capricorn, people are putting their money where their mouth is (and maybe more importantly, where their values are), pooling their money and resources to take back our power from corrupt and abusive governments and institutions. As money planet Venus was coming to the end of its retrograde period, a GoFundMe crowdfunding effort was launched. Much to the surprise and delight of everyone, including those who started the campaign, this effort has now gathered almost $5.2 million dollars from 66,900 donators (and climbing), making it one of the top ten most successful GoFundMe campaigns in the history of the platform. The funds will go toward fuel for the convoy, with money for food and lodging as a secondary goal. [Update: the GoFundMe campaign had raised over $10 million for the truckers as of February 4, 2022. GoFundMe has now aligned with the authoritarians, announcing it will not disperse the funds to the organizers/truckers. A new crowdfunding campaign has been set up at GiveSendGo. Despite major problems with the functioning of the site and near-constant timing out, $1.2 million US was raised in about 12 hours. The total raised as of February 7 is $5.5 million US, and it's climbing all the time.]

The planet that rules transportation and communication, Mercury, is also retrograde at this time and re-entered Capricorn late on January 25. Mercury Rx is forming a conjunction to both soul mate asteroid Juno and Lord of the Underworld Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 28). This Mercury Rx-Juno-Pluto triple conjunction indicates the possibility of changes in perspective as well as changes in official narratives as the widespread, worldwide opposition to the "lockdowns" and to the "vax passes" becomes undeniable. The truckers have traveled (Mercury) across country to confront the abuses (Pluto) of the Canadian government (Capricorn), which is taking its orders from higher up the global chain of command. The truckers have supportive soul mates (Juno) from around the world sharing hard-earned money, from their hearts, to make this convoy successful and to end the authoritarian mandates for all.

Venus will now move direct into a conjunction with action planet Mars, exact on February 16 at 16 degrees Capricorn. From there, Venus and Mars will form a triple conjunction with Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn on March 3. Venus and Mars will then move into Aquarius, forming another exact conjunction on the zero degree of Aquarius on March 6. All this action, clustering around transformation-oriented Pluto, indicates that the themes being experienced now could have ripple effects that extend well into the future. We're planting a flag and setting a new course related to the type of future we wish to live on this planet. It's a free and friendly future, a dignified and humane future, not a hateful, divided, and authoritarian one.

The North Node of the Moon entered Taurus on January 18, indicating that our soul-level GPS systems were getting some new coordinates. Taurus relates to agriculture and food, the resource-based economy, and fundamental workers, and it seems this North Node shift has been a guiding star, leading these critically important resource-based workers (who deliver our food) to Ottawa to make a stand for everyone.

With the South Node of the Moon on 29 degrees Scorpio (death, abuse, secrets), we know what's at stake. The mandates are hurting and killing people every day all over the world. We are at the brink of a massive, worldwide mental health crisis. The world will not stand by and watch this happen any longer. With the Venus-ruled North Node and with Venus and Mars coming together in conjunction with Pluto (March 3), we're putting our love and money (Venus) into action (Mars) to stop this heinously destructive and control-based scheme (Pluto/Capricorn). With Venus and Mars coming together at the zero degree of future-oriented Aquarius (March 6), we're choosing a better future for ourselves, for humanity, and for all future generations on this planet.

Here's to a peaceful, safe, and successful convoy. Let's get 'er done! I wrote about many of the themes we're seeing now in an October 13, 2021 patron article on this highly Plutonic Venus retrograde. These are some excerpts from that article:

A Pluto-Charged Venus Retrograde in Capricorn: Making Executive Decisions in Our Relationships and Lives that Spur Structural Reconfiguration Venus Out of Bounds: October 9 to December 7, 2021

Venus in Capricorn: November 5, 2021 to March 6, 2022

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn: December 19, 2021 to January 29, 2022 from 26 degrees to 11 degrees Capricorn

Venus enters the retrograde shadow at 11 degrees Capricorn on November 17, 2021. It leaves the retrograde shadow at 26 degrees Capricorn on March 1, 2022.

Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12 degrees of the signs): November 18, 2021

Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: November 30, 2021 (20 degrees) with Neptune stationing direct; January 5, 2022 (20 degrees); and February 24, 2022 (22 degrees)

Venus stations retrograde at 26 degrees Capricorn in a tight conjunction to Pluto (25 degrees Capricorn), and this carries strong Plutonic energy into the Venus retrograde process. Venus will form three exact conjunctions to Pluto in Capricorn: December 11, 2021 (25 degrees); December 25, 2021 (25 degrees); and March 4, 2022 (27 degrees).

Mercury conjunct Venus in Capricorn (24 degrees): December 29, 2021 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (25 degrees): December 30, 2021

Sun conjunct Venus Rx in Capricorn (18 degrees): January 8, 2022

Full Moon at 27 degrees Cancer opposite the Sun-Pluto in Capricorn: January 17, 2022

Venus in Capricorn conjunct Mars in Capricorn: February 16, 2022 (16 degrees)

Venus-Mars-Pluto in Capricorn triple conjunction (27 degrees): March 3/4, 2022

Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mars in Aquarius (0 degrees): March 6, 2022

Venus, the planet associated with love, relationships, money, aesthetics, and values, spends an extended amount of time in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn this fall and winter – from November 5, 2021 to March 6, 2022. This includes a Plutonically-charged Venus retrograde from December 19, 2021 to January 29, 2022.

Venus is dancing with Lord of the Underworld Pluto in late Capricorn, indicating the potential for major structural transformation and change. Some very dark, dank, and sinister power dynamics will be further exposed during the Venus transit of Capricorn, and changes will be required en masse, spurred or even forced by the undeniable Plutonic awareness being created.

Once you see what lies beneath the official narratives, there is no unseeing it…

Staying on top of the Plutonic seismic shifts will be required – actually, intuitively sussing out these shifts ahead of time and then positioning ourselves accordingly, if possible. We’re intuitively reading the air and then taking action based on what we sense, rather than getting stuck in a pattern of intense emotional reactions to the socially-engineered orchestrations being foisted upon people worldwide.

Things are structurally shifting and morphing almost continually throughout this Venus transit and retrograde, and it’s up to us to capitalize on the opportunities that are arising, rather than succumbing to fear, depression, or self-pity over what (or who) is leaving our lives.

Ride the Plutonic wave, friends! It’s pretty exhilarating once you get the hang of it. Many people are at the absolute brink emotionally and psychologically after 19+ months of financial devastation and insecurity, job loss, business loss, loss of homes, loss of freedom, social isolation, health-based discrimination, and toxic, top-down social engineering. The manufactured terror and panic being generated on a daily basis through mainstream media is wearing many people down to the nub. (My advice for the past couple decades has been to stop consuming mainstream media in order to protect mental and emotional health!) The [astrology] indicates a period of time when people could be convinced that their problems will be with them forever, that there is no solution, that there is no way out.

Venus stations retrograde in tight conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn on December 19 just as the final Saturn-Uranus square is reaching peak intensity (December 23). This means the energy and themes of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are carried into this very potent Venus transit of and retrograde through Capricorn. This indicates a major shake-up and reorganization of businesses, groups, teams, organizations, relationships, and friendships, and this reorganization is being guided along values-based lines.

We’re looking to live our values in more precise and effective ways, including how we spend our money and how we spend our time. Taking the reconfiguration process on in earnest in our personal lives has beneficial and catalytic effects in the group, community, or collective, as well. It can encourage or spur needed changes on the macro level as we make progress on the micro level.

Pluto relates to death, and unfortunately, the strong influence of Pluto on this Venus retrograde in Capricorn indicates a death knell for many businesses, mostly small businesses, that have been hanging on by the skin of their teeth over the past year-and-a-half of this insanity.

It’s all by design, and it’s all for control.

The elimination (Pluto) of people’s employment (Capricorn) over their decision not to get the mRNA shots will continue or accelerate during this transit, and many will be fighting for their right to earn a living. Others will be changing professions entirely.

The extended interplay of Venus (relationships) with Pluto (endings, completions) indicates that the severing of ties, even long-standing ties, could be required of us, or we may find that people are severing ties to us. This is the cleansing Plutonic fire, and then the stillness in the ashes, ahead of a major reconfiguration into structural set-ups that are more directly relevant to the times in which we are living.

We are navigating highly-divided times where the divisions among us are being intentionally manufactured and then inflamed. Many people are taking leave of their senses and their humanity, and again, this is being strongly socially engineered.

During the Venus retrograde in Capricorn, so strongly influenced by dispositor Saturn in Aquarius in square aspect to Uranus in Taurus, we will be joining with people of like mind, making some tough, executive decisions about whom we have in our lives and whom we can trust when the chips are down.

Many will be working throughout this Venus retrograde toward independence from the system, setting up businesses, groups, teams, and communities to independently meet needs. There is a theme related to severing ties to as much authoritarian control and over-reach into our lives as possible while creating solid and effective frameworks that can help others to do the same.

There are new social steps becoming apparent, and there are new opportunities arising in relationships, social life, and business/financial spheres. We’re setting some long-term goals for money, relationships, and business/career, and we’re making a firm commitment to living a life that is aligned with our personal values and soul integrity.

If they have not completed this process before now (Pluto has been working on this since its ingress of Capricorn in 2008), people will be re-configuring their ideas of success and prestige, especially in career and in the public realms. If people have become accustomed to accepting the rewards of the system in exchange for going along with corrupt, authoritarian, and anti-human practises, there could be a rude awakening on the way.

Let’s be very clear about this: with the strong influence of Pluto on this Venus transit and retrograde, there are souls on the line.

The status of your own soul should be your number one priority with the importance of worldly success and social acceptance coming much further down the line. These are times that could determine the long-term status and condition of your soul. Please make your choices with this firmly in mind. The knowledge of how serious this all is, of what’s really on the line, will provide courage in the face of fear, coercion, or opposition.

This is about the success that comes by living according to your own conscience and soul’s guidance, under your own soul sovereignty. There is no substitute for this type of success. There is no worldly accolade that could replace this type of success. And there is no perk, reward, or monetary prize that could make up for a major transgression on this front.

During this very powerful Venus retrograde process, we’re taking charge and we’re taking control. We’re making some bold executive decisions in our lives, in our relationships, in our careers and businesses, and in our orientation toward the community at large.

Again, Venus retrograde in Capricorn, strongly influenced by Pluto and by the Saturn-Uranus square, indicates that many people will be eliminating authoritarian over-reach in their lives as much as possible by directly solving their own problems and meeting their own needs, as well as the needs of the people and community around them.

Major structural (Saturn) transformation (Pluto) was initiated in business, institutions, and the public world (Capricorn) following the historic Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees Capricorn in January 2020, and the rules and “goal posts” for businesses and citizens have been ever-changing since then. Rather than leaving themselves at the mercy of business owners and service people who can refuse them service or force health tyranny, people will be taking matters into their own hands during the transit of Venus in Capricorn, creating new businesses, institutions, and services.

This Venus retrograde in Capricorn, so intensely charged with Plutonic energy, indicates a process of reconfiguring our personal relationship with power. This includes our own personal power, as well as the power other people or institutions have in our lives.

We may be giving power to certain people, dynamics, ideas, or institutions that is better off being revoked. We could be withdrawing our personal power and influence from certain situations, or we could be nullifying the power and influence others have over us.

It is truly ill advised to follow the directives or orders of criminal enterprises, and at this point on Planet Earth, most of the institutions are operating as criminal enterprises.

The unwavering X-ray vision of the Lord of the Underworld provides the impetus to address some of the murky, underlying power dynamics in our lives, in our businesses and careers, in our relationships, and in our world.

During the Venus retrograde process, we’re looking to restructure things in ways that will wisely conserve energy and resources while still allowing us to achieve our longterm goals. We’re looking to restructure things in ways that feel right, that feel energized. We’re letting go (with love) of dynamics, situations, people, and places that have become a drain on us, a source of stultification or petrifaction, a burden too heavy to carry, and we’re doing this with minimal emotional disruption or guilt. It’s just time. It’s matter-of-fact.

Certain relationships, social contracts, and structural set-ups have just run their natural course. We could be working to release old attachments and process any harsh emotions related to these endings during the Venus retrograde.

A cleansing, Plutonic release ahead of new growth…

A lightening up and dropping of dead weight…

Venus in Capricorn will form a series of supportive sextile aspects to Neptune in Pisces, exact November 30, 2021 (20 degrees) with Neptune stationing direct; January 5, 2022 (20 degrees); and February 24, 2022 (22 degrees).

These aspects indicate some otherworldly assistance as we navigate the challenges of this Venus transit and retrograde in Capricorn. They indicate that we are looking to infuse our paths, our businesses/careers, and our achievements with spiritual principles and energy.

As we’re pushing the boulder up the mountain and we feel we can’t go one more step, there is some back-up available from the unseen realms, an invisible hand to help guide us when we’re confused about the way forward.

Venus is a planet related to personal relationships and to money. Capricorn is a sign related to business and institutions. Again, with this very Plutonic Venus retrograde in Capricorn, people are changing the way they do business, and customers are making changes related to who gets their money and their support.

Because of the incredibly contentious (and I believe illegal) “vax pass,” people are aligning with businesses and businesspeople that share their values, whichever way these values lie.

Wherever people fall on the spectrum of opinion, this should be understood: the mRNA shots do not stop the transmission of the virus. They also do not have any effect on whether a person can get the virus. The only stated claim of these nano-shots is that they will lessen the symptoms of illness should a person contract the virus. (This also appears to be untrue.)

This means that a person who has had the shots is just as much of a danger or a non-danger as a person who has not had the shots. It does not make logical sense to discriminate against those who have not had the shots. It does not make logical sense for people to lose their jobs, businesses, livelihoods, homes, access to goods and services, and mental health because they have not had the shots.

A report was recently released by the Government of Saskatchewan titled, “COVID-19 Vaccinations and Breakthrough Infections: Analysis based on new COVID-19 cases reported September 1-30, 2021.”

The document shows that there were 449 Covid-related hospitalizations in Saskatchewan in September 2021.

It’s well-established that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test being used to determine Covid infection is highly unreliable, producing a majority of false positives at the amplification cycles being used. The Government of Canada itself has admitted to 50% false positives, and it’s likely to be much higher than that (90%+). The PCR test was never designed to detect viruses or to be used as a diagnostic tool, as stated by its inventor Kary Mullis before his death. But for the sake of this illustration, we will set those facts aside.

The 449 Covid-related hospitalizations recorded were broken down as follows:

328 were unvaccinated or had one dose more than three weeks prior to illness 20 were vaccinated with the first dose within three weeks of illness 101 were double vaccinated with the second dose more than two weeks prior to illness

[Note: Grouping people who have not had any shots with people who have had one dose of the shot within the past three weeks further muddies the statistics.]

Of the 449 hospitalizations in Saskatchewan in September, there were 72 deaths.

35 deaths were unvaccinated or had one dose more than three weeks prior to illness 9 were vaccinated with the first dose within three weeks of illness 28 were double vaccinated with the second dose more than two weeks prior to illness

This means that 9.37% of unvaccinated people or people who had one dose more than three weeks prior died (35/328) while 30.6% of people died who were double vaccinated (37/121). This indicates that people are actually at a higher risk of dying from severe illness after receiving the shots.

Using these limited statistics, the double vaccinated appear to be three times more likely to die after being hospitalized for a Covid-19 infection compared to those who did not receive the shots. This follows with similar statistics from England where hospitalized people have been found to be 2.5 times more likely to die from Covid-19 infections if they were double vaccinated in comparison to those who did not receive the mRNA injections.

We have been warned about Antibody Dependent Enhancement or pathogenic priming creating a phenomenon where people who have had the shots will actually be more susceptible to severe illness due to the effects on the immune system.

There is also a pattern of denial, dismissal, and gaslighting occurring in the medical system when shot-injured people report their adverse reactions and ask for help. With the PCR test producing a majority of false positives, it is likely that shot-related injuries (numbering in the millions worldwide) are being misdiagnosed or covered up with false Covid-19 diagnoses.

I’ve written an article on this pattern of medical denial, and I’ve also done a video on it. You can see them here:

I don’t share this information with any happiness, and I don’t share it to scare anyone. This is necessary information that is being kept off the public radar screen. It is information that disproves the official narrative that people must be coerced into receiving these potentially deadly and disabling shots against their will because it will lessen the symptoms of illness or prevent death from Covid infection.

People who are cheering what’s going on, who are cheering the non-vaccinated losing their rights, privacy, jobs, businesses, homes, mental health, access to health care, access to organ donation, ability to access goods and services, and ability to travel, including to see loved ones in their own countries, must seriously reconsider their stances.

I realize this might piss some people off, but I have to declare: the authoritarian official narrative is complete and utter nonsense, and it always has been.

There is no justification for creating a two-tiered society like this or for stomping on human rights because of a personal decision not to get the shots. These “official policies” (Capricorn) are murderous and hugely detrimental (Pluto).

I was recently refused service at an optometrist’s office due to my medical exemption for the mask. This was after I called ahead a few days prior to see if I could make an appointment. I was told by the receptionist that I could, but once I came inside the building (even showing documentation for my exemption, which is not required), the optometrist refused to examine me. This was a healthy, unmasked person showing no symptoms of illness being treated like a bio-hazard. People have now been entrained to view healthy, unmasked people going about their lives as a threat to them, as “selfish.”

Gravely ill people waiting for organ donations are being threatened with removal from the list if they do not receive the shots, including at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

People, including children, are being turned away from receiving medical treatment at walk-in clinics if they have not had the shots.

[And as we see in Quebec, people are now being cut off from affordable food, medicine, and other essentials as Big Box stores implement the vax pass, complete with security guards at the door.] This is sick, and this is wrong. There are no two ways about it.

The very Plutonic Venus retrograde process we are about to navigate indicates tough decisions, shifting allegiances, changing commitments, and new structural realities for everyone based on where they fall on the spectrum of opinion.

People are putting their personal values and their money (Venus) into action in the business and public worlds (Capricorn), and this is creating much change within the business sphere.

The Plutonically-charged Venus retrograde brings these themes to the forefront, and it’s up to us to navigate them with professionalism, respect, and a Capricornian stiff upper lip. In light of the draconian restrictions and intense health-based discrimination being experienced, people will be stripping their lives down to the essentials, accepting any enforced austerity as a necessary evil required to live a life guided by their own consciences and soul sovereignty.

The strong influence of Lord of the Underworld Pluto indicates a time when simmering issues and emotions are being pushed to a head. There can be no more lying in the weeds. Events that occur throughout the transit of Venus in Capricorn (November 5, 2021 to March 6, 2022) will leave no uncertainty. People will be required to choose their paths through this mess, through the hostility and discrimination and manufactured terror and illogic, and this will require a firm commitment, one way or the other.

There will be no more smiling in our faces as we are discriminated against. If you’re trying to put a boot in our faces (while cheering the fact that we’re being discriminated against), you’ll have to be upfront and honest about it. You’ll have to own it. You’ll have to lay it out there for all to see, loud and proud, and you’ll have to be willing to put it on your soul record. You will be held accountable for your actions.

“Just following orders” didn’t cut it then, and it doesn’t cut it now. The Corpo-Glossy Official Narrative and PR spin are wearing mighty thin…

The strong influence of Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus on this Venus retrograde indicates potentially explosive social and professional conditions. Emotional eruptions and rage must be kept in firm check while also acknowledging the valid roots of these emotional reactions. We’re in much better long-term position by conserving that emotional energy and using it to make necessary changes while shoring ourselves up. Don’t be goaded into blowing your top or hating on others, and steer clear of people who have poor control of their own emotional behaviours.

Understand that people who are going along with this evil will one day be held accountable for that – either on this Earth or afterwards. They may feel very self-righteous in discriminating against certain people in the moment, but they will one day become aware of how they were duped into doing the dirty work of corrupted people, institutions, and groups. In this way, we can have compassion even for people who are attempting to put a boot in our faces.

Silly humans. Won’t they ever learn?

Overall, we have a choice with this Venus retrograde. We can accept this state of transformational morph and do the work to position ourselves for long-term success, or we can resist, lament, and curl up into a fetal position over the mess and horror of it all.

Let’s take the matter-of-fact position. Let’s take the large-and-in-charge position. Let’s take the position of social (Venus) leadership (Capricorn). Let’s harness our personal power and influence and use these to full benefit in our lives and in the world at large. Let’s reclaim any power we’ve given away to untrustworthy or unworthy people, institutions, or entities. Let’s entirely nullify the power of corrupt individuals and institutions. Let’s entirely reject authoritarian shenanigans.

This Plutonic Venus retrograde and transit of Capricorn will have some highly uncomfortable moments, but Pluto is always, ultimately, working to empower us. It is always, ultimately, working to liberate us from falsity, illusion, and illegitimate power. This fall and winter, Venus and Pluto are working as a team to penetrate the Covid maya. They’re working together to expose those who are committing crimes against humanity in the name of public health.

We can look at the ugly truth and be in better long-term standing for it, or we can close our eyes and go along to get along for short-term ease.

You know where this anarchist astro-reporter’s efforts will be applied.

Thanks for reading.


Genocide Blog - covering sudden and unexpected deaths following the mRNA shot rollout, as well as "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" 

Hello Dave - an independent person from the United Kingdom who is documenting the sudden deaths since the mRNA shot rollout began

United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data on Covid shot injuries as of January 14, 2022


- Ole Fauci himself said masks were not necessary at the beginning of this debacle. Then the narrative changed.

Fauci: "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection people think that it is."

- Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam on Masks (January 23, 2020):

"It can sometimes make it worse...We would only recommend putting a mask on if you were sick and were entering a medical facility, such as a hospital. We have no recommendation for people to wear a mask (when) going about their daily business."

From a report by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Reforms (Canada) titled, "Flying Blind: Governments’ hasty decisions to lock down Canadians while damaging public health and the economy"

Direct link to quote from Tam in the Edmonton Journal:

"Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam, when asked to comment on reports that masks were selling out in Vancouver, told reporters that simply wearing a mask is not an effective preventative measure:

"It can sometimes make it worse, if the person puts their finger in their eye or touches their face under their mask. We would only recommend putting a mask on if you were sick and were entering a medical facility, such as a hospital. We have no recommendation for people to wear a mask (when) going about their daily business.""

- The packaging on the masks declares the masks will not protect from CV-19 - Official bodies, including the WHO, stating masks don't stop virus transmission - Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence - 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects - Meta-Analysis of 65 Studies Reveals Face Masks Induce Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome - Doctors and business owners in Tulsa, Oklahoma brought a lawsuit against the city over the mask mandate. Dr. James Meehan spoke about the ineffectiveness of masks, as well as their dangers at a press conference. He also spoke about treating a man who passed out on a ladder from mask-related oxygen deprivation, causing a fall and serious injury. The video was removed by YouTube. Bitchute video Article Dr. Meehan: “I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise... New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARS-COV-2 virus into the environment causing an increased transmission of the disease… In February and March we were told not to wear masks. What changed? The science didn’t change. The politics did. This is about compliance. It’s not about science." - Physicians: 'Masks don't control viruses, they control you.' 'pandemic is over' The video embedded in the article above was removed by YouTube.

From America's Frontline Doctors: "With regards to masks, [Dr. Simone Gold] did not mince her words, stating, “The facts are not in dispute: masks are completely irrelevant to blocking the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” Encouraging all to do their own research, she affirmed they would “discover that prior to masks becoming political in March 2020, there was never even an attempt at a pretense that masks, let alone bandanas, stop a virus. It’s a complete fabrication. A virus is 1/1000 the size of a hair.” She then cited the New England Journal of Medicine which acknowledged that “masks serve symbolic roles” and are thus mere “lucky charms that may help increase” a person’s “perceived sense of safety”... “You must not ignore your own life experience!” she exclaimed. “If all you had to do to stop a virus is hold a tissue paper to your face, our ancestors would have learned this centuries ago and your grandmother would have taught you this!”" - Major compilation of evidence that masks are ineffective for stopping the transmission of a virus and that they have dangers - Major Study Finds Masks Don’t Reduce COVID-19 Infection Rates November 18, 2020 By Jordan Davidson "This clinical trial was conducted from April through June in Denmark, a largely unmasked area with government recommendations only to social distance and wash hands frequently as the country began to reopen in May. Roughly half of the 6,024 participants, 4,862 of whom completed the study, were randomly assigned to wear surgical masks “outside the home among other persons together” while the other half continued to operate in public without a mask. After a month, 42 of the mask-wearers in the study (1.8 percent) were infected with the virus while 53 of the non-mask-wearers (2.1. percent) were infected with the virus. Statistically, this is not a significant difference between the two groups, suggesting these infection differences were a product of chance, say the study authors." Direct link to Danish study - The study below finds that mask-wearing hinders the functioning of the heart and lungs during exercise. This indicates people should not be wearing masks during strenuous exercise or in any job that require them to breathe more heavily than usual. It follows that anyone with impairments in respiratory, lung, or heart function should also not wear masks. Effects of surgical and FFP2/N95 face masks on cardiopulmonary exercise capacity "Conclusion: Ventilation, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals. These data are important for recommendations on wearing face masks at work or during physical exercise." - State Mandates Ignore Science on Why Wearing Masks While Exercising Can Do More Harm Than Good by Jordan Davidson - B.C. doctor Stephen Malthouse on the unjustified Covid protocols, including masks Open letter from Dr. Malthouse to the British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry - Dentists are speaking about increased incidence of cavities and gum disease, which they are calling "mask mouth" - Masks are neither safe nor effective: a summary of the science by Colleen Huber - First Registry on Masking Effects in Children (Germany)

"Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%)."

- An excellent interview with Occupational Health and Safety Pro, Chris Shaefer, talking about the dangers and inadequacy of masks. He says no children and no one with ANY medical condition should be wearing masks.

- Personal Protective Equipment expert Tammy Clark saying masks will not stop a virus - Video of a firefighter showing the depleted oxygen levels caused by various types of masks - This article talks about respiratory acidosis - how excess carbon dioxide in the body can cause acidosis. A state of acidosis makes the kidneys work harder as they attempt to bring the body's pH back into balance. Acidosis is commonly seen in people with kidney disorders or disease. It follows that people with kidney impairment should not wear masks. - There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence on social media about masks causing infections like staph, thrush, cellulitis, sinusitis, and cystic acne. I also know people who have personally dealt with some of these issues due to masking.

Willow's Twitter #3 - A doctor in Oregon, Dr. Steven LaTulippe, has had his medical license suspended for telling the truth about masks, not wearing them, and not requiring his patients to wear them. "LaTulippe...allegedly told a patient that those without COVID symptoms should not be tested and that wearing a mask did not prevent the disease's spread... The board also said that LaTulippe "regularly" tells patients that masks were not effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and had claimed that virus particles could pass through surgical masks... He also advised that it was "very dangerous" for vulnerable patients like the elderly and those with asthma to wear masks because they would increase the body's carbon dioxide content through the re-breathing of the gas." - Based on analysis of contact tracing, asymptomatic transmission of the virus does not appear to be occurring Direct link to the study, 'Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly 10 million residents of Wuhan, China' This was also stated by the World Health Organization's own doctor, Maria Van Kerkhove, in June 2020. Van Kerkove could not come up with a single example of asymptomatic transmission.

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So it has become known that, while the Truckers' Convoy opposing the mandates was a real grassroots effort initiated by Brigitte Belton and the vast majority of people involved were legitimate, the convoy was infiltrated by controlled opposition agents at the top levels. As per usual, the Figureheads were frauds. The real truckers involved didn't get a dime of the money raised, either.

Hungry Trucker is working to expose the grifters, government operatives, and con artists that were involved in the false leadership of the convoy on Twitter:

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Dr. Richard Urso talking about the explosion of cancer cases and reactivation of latent viruses following the mRNA shots

I've also seen Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Sucharit Bhakti talking about this phenomenon.

Dr. Bridle:

Dr. Bhakti:

"And you all must know that there's an explosion of cancer and tumours now among the vaccinated, which no one understands, but it's the same principle. The lymphocytes in the body are responsible for keeping tumour cells under control, and these tumour cells arise every day, every hour, in your body, and if you don't control them, you are going to be the target."

All Cause Mortality Following the CV mRNA shots:

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